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I have been working as a full time professional make up artist since 2014, with experience in counter cosmetics, retail, film, tv, occasion, bridal, fashion, working during London Fashion Week and tutoring. 

I have worked with a number of celebrities and industry professionals and I am currently a lecturer at Edinburgh College, teaching Makeup Artistry in the Performing Arts department (PASS). I have a particular interest in developing course materials and writing courses which encourage diversity, inclusion and inter-sectional thinking; I believe in using the role of an educator to try and develop critical thinking and responsibility in the fashion and media industry. My areas of practical specialism lie in fashion and artistic/ creative development.

I have been working with Girl Meets Brush as a Pro Team member for a number of years and help to develop course materials, give feedback and support students through their online studies. 

Although I'm not a frequent user of social media, preferring to be behind the camera rather than in front of it, please do give my Facebook and Instagram accounts a like for highlights!

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